
Liebe Abenteuerlustige,

Ihr plant einen actiongeladenen Tag mit eurer Gruppe und seid auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Aktivitätsabenteuer? Wie wäre es mit Up Stream Surfing? Diese aufregende Wassersportaktivität bietet nicht nur jede Menge Spaß, sondern auch eine unvergessliche gemeinsame Erfahrung in der atemberaubenden Natur von Innsbruck und Tirol.

Up Stream Surfing ist mehr als nur Surfen – es ist ein einzigartiges Erlebnis, bei dem ihr auf einem Surfbrett stehend den Fluss hinauffahrt. Klingt spannend? Hier sind einige Gründe, warum Up Stream Surfing die ideale Gruppenaktivität ist:

  1. Teamarbeit und Zusammenhalt: Beim Up Stream Surfing ist Teamwork gefragt! Gemeinsam müsst ihr euer Gleichgewicht halten, um die Herausforderungen des Flusses zu meistern. Diese gemeinsamen Bemühungen stärken den Zusammenhalt in der Gruppe und schaffen unvergessliche Erinnerungen.
  2. Abenteuer in der Natur: Statt in einem geschlossenen Raum könnt ihr beim Up Stream Surfing die atemberaubende Natur von Innsbruck und Tirol in vollen Zügen genießen. Genießt die malerische Flusslandschaft, spürt die erfrischende Brise und erlebt die Schönheit der Umgebung aus einer völlig neuen Perspektive.
  3. Adrenalin pur: Up Stream Surfing ist ein echter Adrenalinkick! Das Gefühl, auf dem Wasser zu gleiten und die Stromschnellen zu bezwingen, sorgt für jede Menge Nervenkitzel und unvergessliche Momente.
  4. Für alle geeignet: Egal, ob ihr absolute Anfänger oder erfahrene Surfer seid, Up Stream Surfing ist für alle geeignet. Unsere erfahrenen Guides stehen euch mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und sorgen dafür, dass ihr ein sicheres und unvergessliches Erlebnis habt.
  5. Einzigartige Erinnerungen: Up Stream Surfing bietet euch die Möglichkeit, einzigartige Erinnerungen zu schaffen, die lange nach eurem Aktivitätsabenteuer in Erinnerung bleiben werden. Ob ihr gemeinsam lacht, euch gegenseitig unterstützt oder einfach nur die Natur genießt – Up Stream Surfing wird zu einem unvergesslichen Höhepunkt eurer Gruppenaktivitäten in Innsbruck und Tirol.

Plant Plant ihr also einen Ausflug mit eurer Familie, eurem Freundeskreis oder eurer Firma? Dann lasst euch dieses Abenteuer nicht entgehen und erlebt gemeinsam Up Stream Surfing!

Für weitere Informationen und Buchungen besucht unsere Website oder kontaktiert uns direkt. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch ein unvergessliches Up Stream Surfing-Erlebnis in Innsbruck und Tirol zu bieten!

Bis bald auf dem Wasser!

Euer Up Stream Surfing-Team

Surf course

Valentinstag Geschenk

Liebe Verliebte,

der Valentinstag steht vor der Tür und es ist Zeit, eure Liebe zu feiern und gemeinsam unvergessliche Momente zu erleben! Überrascht euren Partner oder eure Partnerin mit einem ganz besonderen Geschenk – einem romantischen Abenteuer mit unseren exklusiven Pärchen Deals bei Up Stream Surfing!

Wir bieten euch die perfekte Gelegenheit, euren Valentinstag auf ein neues Level zu heben und gemeinsam unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu schaffen. Egal, ob ihr Abenteuerlustige seid, die gerne neue Herausforderungen meistern, oder Romantiker, die die Ruhe der Natur genießen – bei uns werdet ihr fündig!


Unsere Pärchen Deals umfassen:

  1. Romantische Flussfahrt: Genießt eine romantische Fahrt auf dem Fluss, während ihr Hand in Hand die malerische Natur von Innsbruck und Tirol genießt. Unsere erfahrenen Guides sorgen für ein sicheres und unvergessliches Erlebnis.
  2. Privater Surfunterricht: Lernt gemeinsam die Grundlagen des Surfens und genießt das aufregende Gefühl, auf dem Wasser zu gleiten. Unsere professionellen Surfinstruktoren stehen euch zur Seite und helfen euch dabei, eure Surf-Fähigkeiten zu verbessern.
  3. Picknick am Flussufer: Packt euren Picknickkorb und genießt ein romantisches Picknick am Ufer des Flusses, umgeben von der atemberaubenden Naturkulisse von Innsbruck und Tirol und verbringt gemeinsam unvergessliche Stunden in trauter Zweisamkeit.

Überrascht euren Partner oder eure Partnerin mit einem unserer exklusiven Pärchen Deals und schenkt euch gegenseitig unvergessliche Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen!

Für weitere Informationen und Buchungen besucht unsere Website oder kontaktiert uns direkt. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch einen unvergesslichen Valentinstag zu bereiten!

Bucht jetzt euren Pärchen Deal und erlebt gemeinsam einen unvergesslichen Valentinstag!

Euer Up Stream Surfing-Team

Surf spots in Austria

From river surfing on Europe's largest artificial wave on the Traun to wakesurfing on the Danube and up-stream surfing on the Inn.

If you want to know more, take a look at the following article from 1000things

River surfing

Tips & Tricks for your next river surfing adventure

Today we have three exciting surf tricks for you that will take your UP STREAM surfing experience to a new level. Whether you're just starting out or already experienced, these tricks will help you get into the bay safely, get on your surfboard gracefully, and start surfing with ease.

  1. How to get out of the river safely again

Many people ask us how easy or difficult it actually is to paddle or swim back out of the river. Our tip: it's important not to fight the current. Just paddle with the current at a 45 degree angle towards the shore and the water will do the rest. Take advantage of the moment when it just pushes you into the bay by itself. This way you can easily get back to dry land. But don't worry, if you run out of strength, our rescue coach is waiting for you a few meters away.

River surfing
Get up on the surfboard

2. how to get on your surfboard perfectly 

Getting up on the surfboard can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, but with this trick you'll easily master it. Start by sitting on both knees and holding the dumbbell. Then extend one leg forward so that your foot protrudes slightly more than your knee. Place your feet in line and then press up with momentum. You can also hold the dumbbell with one hand and push yourself up with the other. Make sure you don't fully extend your knees when you're at the top so you can better maintain your balance.


3. how to surf against the current

With us there is no classic wakeboard start. Instead, you stand up just before your surf buddy pulls the sail, so to speak, before we start our natural engine. This gives you the best control and allows for a smooth launch. Make sure you are in the right position and be ready when the pull comes. With this trick you will deliver an impressive performance.

With these 3 tips, you'll be ready for your next surfing adventure! Check out the UP STREAM SURFING surf lessons and try surfing for yourself in a taster course. 

Summer Light Openair Festival

A weekend full of summer rays and love! 

At Airport Reef Innsbruck we hosted a very special festival this summer - the Sommerlicht Openair. On a weekend where the sun's rays might not have found their way through the thick clouds, we still celebrated our existence and said goodbye to summer together! Thank you for being there. 

The line-up of the Summer Light Festival was a real firework of music. On each of the three days there were artists and DJs who brought the atmosphere to the top. On Friday Wald&Müller, COLD ASS ICE, Hans Sol and many others made the dance floor shake. Saturday was dominated by ATNIL, Dativ Lindkeks and Giulia P., who wowed the crowd with their unique sounds. 

In addition to the main stage, there was also a lot to discover away from the music. The planned river cinema on Sunday had to give way to the moody weather, but will be made up for at the Season Closing Party from October 13 to 15.

The Paddle Battle on Saturday evening, presented by "Eine Welle für Innsbruck", was another highlight. Here you could prove your skill on the water - not for frostbite! 

The Sommerlicht Openair was a great success - and without you it wouldn't have been half as nice! 

If you can't get enough either, then come to our Season Closing on 10/13/2023-10/15/2023, where we'll catch up with the much-anticipated River Cinema and have one last big party - hopefully with you.



Surfing in the middle of Innsbruck - on the Inn River? UP STREAM SURFING makes it possible - and Tirol TV has tested it. If you want to know how it was, take a look: 


We were very happy to have the editors of Cafe Puls visit UP STREAM SURFING - if you want to know how Manolito did and if he enjoyed it, check it out: 

Inndefinite Festival

A weekend full of adventure and fun!

Airport Reef recently hosted a special event that combined sports, music and the spirit of adventure - the IN(N)Definite Festival. From June 25-27, participants and visitors alike were treated to a weekend of excitement, movement and the joy of discovery.

The name of the festival itself, IN(N)Definite, captured its essence perfectly. It was a celebration of the unknown, a journey into uncharted territory where boundaries blurred and possibilities were endless. Together with the crew from Flunkyball Innsbruck, we put together an experience that combined the thrill of sport with the magic of music, creating an unforgettable weekend for all who attended.

The adventure began on Friday with Team Movement, a dynamic and inspiring exploration of the unknown. Participants were invited to join this movement journey and ignite their spirits for the festivities ahead. As the day turned into night, the atmosphere transformed and set the stage for a night of dance and mesmerizing sounds from the EULE collective.

Saturday brought out the competitive spirit in everyone with the Flunkyball Tournament. Participants showed off their endurance and teamwork as they battled it out on the field. For those looking for a different kind of athletics, the festival offered various workshops and games on site. Of particular note was a spikeball tournament and a dodgeball field hosted by the Tyrol Turtles, which provided additional opportunities for athletic activities.

But the excitement didn't end there. The festival took advantage of Innsbruck's natural beauty with an open-air cinema right on Kranebitter Strand. Imagine watching a movie outdoors, surrounded by the breathtaking scenery - a perfect way to relax after a day full of energetic activities.

The IN(N)Definite Festival was more than just an event; it was a journey into the unexpected. It embodied the spirit of community, adventure and the joy of trying something new. Seamlessly blending sports, music, and nature, the festival left a lasting impression on participants. It was a celebration of movement, camaraderie and the thrill of embracing the unknown.

As the sun set over the weekend, memories of the festival lingered, inspiring participants to continue seeking new experiences and embracing the undefined possibilities that life offers. The IN(N)Definite Festival in Innsbruck was truly an unforgettable adventure that left a lasting mark on both the city and its participants.

We are looking forward to all upcoming events at UP SREAM SURFING! Here you can find our event calendar.

Ingolstadt - Festival of Cultures & Duck Race, For the first time with Up Stream Surfing

Festival of Cultures this Friday and Saturday on the Danube Stage - For the first time with Up-Stream-Surfing

crankworx visit

Crankworx visiting UP STREAM SURFING

The Crankworx team invited a few riders to explore Innsbruck and test the UP STREAM SURFING system! Here you can find a little recap of their experiences: 

crankworx visit