COVID-19: Questions & Answers about UP STREAM SURFING

Can I get infected with coronavirus through water?

No. According to AGES, "There is currently no evidence that humans have been infected with the novel coronavirus via conventional food or via drinking water/pipe water or surface water."

Can coronavirus be transmitted through surfing equipment?

No. All surf equipment is washed around by the water in the river every time it is used and the wetsuits are cleaned after each use.

What happens if I show symptoms but have already booked a course?

If you show signs of symptoms, contact us by phone at +4367763065037: we will check on a case-by-case basis if we can reschedule your slot.

What type of session should I sign up for?

If you have never surfed on the bridge and have no experience in the river, you should sign up for the bridge surfing course or the UP STREAM course, also for people who already have surfing experience in the ocean. You will benefit from the support of our surf coaches on the right behavior in the river. If you have already been to a UP STREAM course several times, you can get a day pass and surf all day long. Here you can start surfing directly without the support of our coaches.

How does the safety introduction take place?

The safety introduction to the correct behavior in the river, with the equipment, bridge surfing and explanation of the UP STREAM system, will take place as usual at the beginning of the course. For your protection and their own, 2 meters safety distance will be kept.

How many people take part in a course? 

A maximum of 7 people can participate in a course at the same time. You don't have to worry, we have enough space on the shore, in the water and on the sail to keep the safety distance of 2 meters.

How long does a surf session last?

The bridge surfing course lasts 1 hour, the UP STREAM course lasts 2 hours. With the day pass you can surf all day long during our opening hours (10:00-18:00, Fri, Sat).

When do I have to be on site? 

Please be sure to come to the pavilion on the lawn on time for the start of your class and sign in. You will get your equipment and can change immediately:

  1. Reserve a course in the booking tool
  2. Then come to the course. On site you sign the disclaimer at the pavilion and get your equipment.
  3. Then we start with the safety introduction and it can go into the water!

What do I need to take with me? 

Whenever possible, take your surfing equipment with you. Otherwise you only need your swimsuit and a towel.

Can I eat at your place? 

Not at the moment. The beach café is closed since last year. However, we offer you a small selection of drinks and fruits to quench your thirst and hunger.

You have more questions?

You have more questions for UP STREAM SURFING, feedback, or comments? Write to us!


We come with the mobile UP STREAM SYSTEM also to you in the city. Write us a message if you would like us to come and surf at your place!

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